Clairemont San Diego January 2013

Clairemont      San Diego

Ps Joe and Heather Rice

Ps Joe Rice with the Weight Plate Challenge

Clairemont Strongman Show

Ps Joe and Heather at Breakfast

Clairemont Men

Tijuana Mexico and Imperial Beach San Diego January 2013

Tijuana                   Mexico

Mexican border

Tijuana Mexico Congregation

Danny, Ps Misa, Ps Danny and Raquel Munoz

Preaching shot at Navy base bowling ally

Imperial Beach

El Cajon San Diego January 2013

El Cajon          San Diego

Pastor Herman and Janice Brooks 
Ps Herman, Janice and Tori outside Big Boys burger joint

This man had his head run over by a car; was wheelchair bound
and was in a coma for 3 months. He had never been out of his
wheelchair before this night.
He was able to walk his wheelchair down the aisle unassisted

Woman healed of back pain

Point Loma San Diego

Old Town San Diego

Merrylands, Sydney, NSW

Pastor Adam and Jayne Woods

There were about 150 visitors and 4 saved over the 2 Strongman Shows
We also saw another 2 people saved during the 4 days of Revival meetings

Belfast Ireland

Orangemen march past St Patricks Catholic Church
On streets for a teaser

Finally arrived in freezing Belfast...went to the Loyalists' demonstration.

4 adults saved in the first Strongman Show in Northern Belfast.

Tens of thousands of pro-British unionists marched through Belfast on Saturday to mark 100 years since a landmark event in the history of Ireland's partition.
Northern Irish police were on high alert as tens of thousands of Protestants marched through Belfast to mark 100 years since a landmark event in the history of Ireland's partition.

Loyalist Supporters outside Orange Hall


We were blessed to have access to the school. Although the weather here is fairly hasn’t stopped raining.

I have the interview with the radio tonight, so I will preach and then go into the studio tonight for the interview. It will be a late night getting to bed as the interview is at 11.30pm but hopefully it will give some exposure for his show tomorrow night.


Ps Andrew and Lynn Wearing

About 54 visitors and all up about 9 to 10 people saved. Have had a great time with the Wearings and have enjoyed seeing some of the local sites.
One interesting place I stumbled across was called the Peace Garden but from first impressions it looked anything but peaceful. As I was walking around it opened into this really nice area and was amazed to see that the garden had been put there to remember people that had been in different conflicts around the world and the involvement the military had in them. .
You will see a picture that is dedicated to 
people that were involved with nuclear testing and 
one of the areas was Maralinga which is where Dad was when they had to fly through the mushroom clouds once the bombs were let that was pretty cool being able to find that piece of history.