Healed from Tumor
Hello brother Mark! Greetings from
"Salvation city" Las Vegas! Here it imy healing testimony.....
I was diagnosed with a fibroid tumor at the age of 16 inside my uterus by my OB and that at that time it was the size of a tennis ball so it was fairly big for my size and stature. He told me not to worry about it because 1out of 3 women have it and they just don't know they have it but its not cancerous.
I was diagnosed with a fibroid tumor at the age of 16 inside my uterus by my OB and that at that time it was the size of a tennis ball so it was fairly big for my size and stature. He told me not to worry about it because 1out of 3 women have it and they just don't know they have it but its not cancerous.
Well he did an ultrasound on me
and told me that the way the tumor was positioned and where it was located that
it might prevent me from having kids because its a blockage. Well I was 16 at
the time and I wasn't saved so it didn't really scare me at the time cause I
wasn't trying to have kids anyways! I was still active with men and not getting
pregnant so I figured it was good cause I won't be having kids by different
A year later I got saved and I got
radically saved so of course the sleeping around and my lifestyle changed and
reflected Godliness. Fast forward to 23years of age I got married to my husband
Don and we did EVERYTHING the right way, no holding hands, no kissing, no
touching, no intimate talking or anything intimate until we got married.
We were married for 3months when I
found out I was pregnant! So going to my checkups the ultrasound tech had told
me that my tumor had grown now it was the size of a newborn babies head in
circumference. So I was afraid now and the doctor told me that the hormones
from my pregnancy would make it grow so they would have to keep checking on my
pregnancy to make sure my baby had room to live inside until she was ready to
come out. I continued to go back and get checked and it NEVER grew so my
daughter was delivered safely and with no problems.

So we are so grateful that God is
hearing our prayers as far as my pregnancies and we continue on having kids!
Its amazing seeing God move on your prayers, rather it be yes or no he will
reveal to you his purpose and plan for your life ALWAYS! If we PRAY! We ought
always to pray! And not grow weary in well doing.
Like Pastor Lamb preached in
conference we are the handfuls on purpose and we don't know what our prayers
can do for someone or when they will happen but they always happen right on
time and I just want to say thank You to you and Robyn for agreeing in prayer
with us for this healing!
guys' ministry is powerful and effective, and may God continue to bless you,
give you insight and direction as you power on for Jesus and being used for people
to hear the Gospel!
God bless
Brittany Thompson
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