Norwich England

Norwich Pottershouse - over 100 yrs old
The venue for the Show is at the concert venue

Norwich England

I was born in this house in 1960!
Well here it is 5 Oulton Road Norwich. We found it quite easily and took photos. I did knock on the door but no-one was home, so I may go back there tomorrow afternoon and see if they will let me go inside. It was hard to believe that here where my life first started and here I am now standing outside the front door.

RAF field where my father was based

Wiesbaden Germany

The show went well Saturday night we had 10 saved. Sunday was great as well, there was a couple that got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit Sunday morning and last night I preached on the Authority of the Believer... the church is really hungry for the things of God.

The majority of the church is young folk from 20 to 30 years old, faithful on the streets with virtually the whole church coming out for outreach. Prayer before service is also well supported.

Teaser in Wiesbaden Mall


Pottershouse Wiesbaden

Outreach Wiesbaden Mall