South Auckland - PS David and Sharon Chung

Bangalore India Testimony

Hello Pt Woods,

 This is Rosita, Pt Vinod's wife, from the Kammanahalli church in Bangalore, India.  I pray this email finds you and your family and church well.

 I must apologise as I have been meaning to write you for some time to share this testimony with you but time has simply gotten away from me and I didn't have your email address until now.

 I don't know if you will remember but I was well advanced in my pregnancy when you came to preach revival with your Strongman show.  We had joined with Kammanahalli to support the revival (at that time we were still pastoring Airport Rd church) and you had given words from God in the previous sessions.  That being said, I wasn't expecting a word from God. But I had been laying hold of God for my baby, claiming His promises for this child.  I was in great distress at that time as we had been told there was an anamoly found at the 19 week scan which increased the risks of the baby having Down's Syndrome, further increased by the fact that I was over 40 (still am, unfortunately!).  I had asked brethren in our church and back home also to pray for our baby and was simply crying out to God, ultimately asking that His will be done and to give me strength and peace during this time.

 After the altar call, as the church stood, you called one of the brothers forward and gave him a word from God.  At this time I was simply reveling in the presence of God - His presence that night was palpable.  Then - and I will never forget- as you were addressing the church, you suddenly turned and looked at me and said: "Sister, I want you to know that God has heard your prayers and your baby is going to be fine." To say I was stunned, gobsmacked, speechless, doesn't even come close!  It was just the most incredible and timely word and I knew, I just KNEW it was true and it was God who was speaking.  Pastor Woods, I think it's really important that you know that we hadn't actually met at that stage, suffice to share a very quick hello before the service.  I also asked my husband if he had spoken to you at all about our situation and he hadn't.

 A few months later we were blessed to have a perfect little girl, Chiara Grace Kumar.  She's now 13 months old, the cutest little munchkin you ever did see :)  Jesus held my hand through my labour, giving me strength to bear the experience and I was so blessed to have a quick and easy labour.  Chiara arrived and really stunned the doctors because they really expected for her to have at least something wrong with her.  I was so happy to tell my OB that she was 'fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image' as He had promised me she would be.

 So I wanted to thank you and to tell you that the word you gave has come to pass.

 Sorry if this is all a bit choppy.  I've been trying to write this while my toddlers are creating chaos around me :)

 God bless you.

 Rosita Kumar