Tel Aviv Flea Market Shopping

Mediterranean Sea Tel Aviv

Well we survived shopping in Tel Aviv today. It was very
windy and not a good day for a boat ride on the ocean.

Sorry we havent seen Pastor Neil's famous hat yet!
Keep an eye out on our next post. Maybe he will put it on!

Downtown Tel Aviv
Construction Site

This market went on further than the eye could see!

Bit like Paddy's Market 
The local Old Timers

Lots of tourists everywhere
Some of the local wares
Enjoying Lunch
The weather today was fine even though it was windy.
The streets are clean and there are tourists everywhere. They cater to
tourism and a lot of places are open late at night, but only a few speak english. The Hebrew language makes it hard to interpret anything. We bought some food at the local grocery store and had to look at the pictures on the labels.

Israel Tour 13 - 27 Nov 2011

Arriving Munich Airport -2degrees at 6am
View from Transit Bus Munich

Smokers have special rooms! Munich

Finally arrive Tel Aviv

Pastor Neil and Brenda Tel Aviv Airport
We finally arrived after travelling a total of 27 hours. We were taken to our Apartments in Ben Yehuda St by a very helpful taxi driver - Chaya (silent 'C'). She gave us a guided tour on our way to the Sea Land Apartments where we are staying for our first 2 nights.  It was close to dinner time so we grabbed some groceries from across the road and decided to have a snack in our rooms and call it quits for the day!

We join the rest of the group on Wednesday afternoon in a town called Netanya.Our plan for the first day is to get some catch up sleep and then have a look around. But I am guessing that we will mostly be catching up on sleep.