Israel Tour 13 - 27 Nov 2011

Arriving Munich Airport -2degrees at 6am
View from Transit Bus Munich

Smokers have special rooms! Munich

Finally arrive Tel Aviv

Pastor Neil and Brenda Tel Aviv Airport
We finally arrived after travelling a total of 27 hours. We were taken to our Apartments in Ben Yehuda St by a very helpful taxi driver - Chaya (silent 'C'). She gave us a guided tour on our way to the Sea Land Apartments where we are staying for our first 2 nights.  It was close to dinner time so we grabbed some groceries from across the road and decided to have a snack in our rooms and call it quits for the day!

We join the rest of the group on Wednesday afternoon in a town called Netanya.Our plan for the first day is to get some catch up sleep and then have a look around. But I am guessing that we will mostly be catching up on sleep.


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