Tel Aviv Flea Market Shopping

Mediterranean Sea Tel Aviv

Well we survived shopping in Tel Aviv today. It was very
windy and not a good day for a boat ride on the ocean.

Sorry we havent seen Pastor Neil's famous hat yet!
Keep an eye out on our next post. Maybe he will put it on!

Downtown Tel Aviv
Construction Site

This market went on further than the eye could see!

Bit like Paddy's Market 
The local Old Timers

Lots of tourists everywhere
Some of the local wares
Enjoying Lunch
The weather today was fine even though it was windy.
The streets are clean and there are tourists everywhere. They cater to
tourism and a lot of places are open late at night, but only a few speak english. The Hebrew language makes it hard to interpret anything. We bought some food at the local grocery store and had to look at the pictures on the labels.

Israel Tour 13 - 27 Nov 2011

Arriving Munich Airport -2degrees at 6am
View from Transit Bus Munich

Smokers have special rooms! Munich

Finally arrive Tel Aviv

Pastor Neil and Brenda Tel Aviv Airport
We finally arrived after travelling a total of 27 hours. We were taken to our Apartments in Ben Yehuda St by a very helpful taxi driver - Chaya (silent 'C'). She gave us a guided tour on our way to the Sea Land Apartments where we are staying for our first 2 nights.  It was close to dinner time so we grabbed some groceries from across the road and decided to have a snack in our rooms and call it quits for the day!

We join the rest of the group on Wednesday afternoon in a town called Netanya.Our plan for the first day is to get some catch up sleep and then have a look around. But I am guessing that we will mostly be catching up on sleep.


Newcastle Upon Tyne Revival

Had a smashin' great time with the Newcastle saints and the Taylor family who are all an inspiration to us. Pastor Gary Taylor and wife Cath are our heros!
Saw about 33 saved over 4 days. People were healed of all kinds of things from bad backs to stiff necks and sporting injuries. The church is a great church seeingthe local young people of Newcastle impacted for the gospel It seems they are on the crest of a wave of revival and we are believing with them to see a harvest in the very near future.

Taylor Clan
Nanna Miriam,Isaac & Daniel
I tried to learn the Geordie accent but some people said I sounded more like a pirate! The family photo shows just how much fun we had. Ps Gary's Dad and Mum and aunty Betty are in the photo as well. In a few short years I am sure we will see Isaac and Daniel preaching the gospel

Newcastle Upon Tyne Strongman Show

Pastor Gary Taylor picked us up from Walthamstow and we headed off for the 4 hour drive to Newcastle. Once we got there we had to source some frypans...good old Tesco had run out so I found some others at Morrisons which cost three times as much but were still a challenge for me.

Had a wild night tonight - it was great to see so many young people between the ages of 15 to 25 at the show. 14 responded for salvation. A lot of them were young people who the church has been working with, so this was encouraging.

Walthamstow London

Started here Sunday pm service Several people were baptised in the Holy Ghost.
Monday was our day off and we did some sight seeing.
Walthamstow Prayer for Holy Ghost
What some people will do for a  few coins!!

Pastor Dave was our "guide" for the day. He guided us through the Underground Tube and showed us around the sights of Trafalgar Square, Westiminster Abbey and West End. We went into Westiminster Hall and were going to go into the public gallery of the House of Commons but the line up was too big. So we missed our chance to catch the pollies in action.

Southend On Sea Strongman Show

Saturday - had great turnout for the show and saw 4 people saved. In the course of buying the steel and visiting gyms there has been many men who were very interested. So we believe seeds have been sown and the church will see these people respond to the gospel.
We had a great time with the church and the Southend saints are on fire. Our hearts were quickly knit to theirs in the short time we were there.

Southend-On-Sea Revival

Started revival with services on Thursday and Friday. Saw great turn out with an average of about 50 each night. Had prayer for the sick and have seen about 6 healed and 4 people saved on the streets on Friday.
Went to a gym - "Spit and Sawdust". Rolled a frypan for the 10 guys that were there. One young guy was very interested, so hoping a few with come out

Shepherds Bush Revival Services

Monday and Tuesday nights we met in a Syrian Orthodox church building. The downstairs area which they use for functions and social get togethers was a open room and could fit at least 100 people. Great venue....upstairs is where the Syrian Orthodox congregation have their services...chandeliers, idols, angel sculptures...very ornate.
God has been faithful and met with us every service, with many people receiving words of encouragement. Pastor Shepherd Masanga's wife Linda is having twins and they will be arriving on Wednesday...Hallelujah...instant church increase! We are believing for extra dose of the Holy Ghost in the last service here tonight.

Michelle and Me
Town Crier Oxford
Tuesday: went to Oxford to visit my cousin Michelle who I havent seen for 45 years...she was 3 and I was 6 when I left England to live in Oz. One of the disciples, JR was a great blessing and drove us an hour and a half to Oxford. We did a quick tour through one of the colleges - the places that were originally built to raise up preachers for the mission field. Sad to say, with the invent of humanism, the vision has died and no longer is it the seed bed for God's missionaries.
On the way back we caught a double decker bus, of course we sat up the front and had a great view of the countryside.

Shepherds Bush Strongman Outreach

Had a great time on the streets with the church on Saturday afternoon. It was amazing just how many people were coming and going from train stations, bus terminals and shopping centres - thousands! A great place for outreach.
The best part of the day was an impromptu skit that a few of the young people did. One guy had flowers and proposed to a young girl. Then her friends were in her ear giving her dont get sucked it etc...the young girl started to rail on the guy because she found out he was two timing her. Should have seen the crowd...they all stopped and stared at the performance. Then I stepped in and rolled a frypan and advertised the show for that night. It was great! 6 people got saved that day on the streets.

Another 6 got saved at the Strongman Show. One key young man, Harvey, was very open but didnt respond..he came to church Sunday morning got saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and came out again in evening service. He said it was the best day in his life and didnt want it to end. Another 5 people got filled with the Holy Ghost in the morning service...another 6 people healed so far.