Newcastle Upon Tyne Revival

Had a smashin' great time with the Newcastle saints and the Taylor family who are all an inspiration to us. Pastor Gary Taylor and wife Cath are our heros!
Saw about 33 saved over 4 days. People were healed of all kinds of things from bad backs to stiff necks and sporting injuries. The church is a great church seeingthe local young people of Newcastle impacted for the gospel It seems they are on the crest of a wave of revival and we are believing with them to see a harvest in the very near future.

Taylor Clan
Nanna Miriam,Isaac & Daniel
I tried to learn the Geordie accent but some people said I sounded more like a pirate! The family photo shows just how much fun we had. Ps Gary's Dad and Mum and aunty Betty are in the photo as well. In a few short years I am sure we will see Isaac and Daniel preaching the gospel

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