Day 2 Youth Night South London

Friday 12 Aug 10pm
I had breakfast with Clement this morning, the more time I spent with him the more of an understanding I had of him. I asked him of all the things he has learnt in the past 11 years of seeing the Croydon church grow what would be the most significant thing that has contributed to the growth...he narrowed it down to one word DESIRE, he said he went above and beyond what was expected it was very inspiring listening to him.

We sat and talked for about 4 hours which was good he has not lost a hunger to see souls saved and for the church to grow. The church is predominantly black with a few whities sprinkled through.

He has a white girl marrying one of the black guys which the parents who do not come to church aren’t happy about. Firstly they think the church is a cult and secondly because he is black.

When a couple gets married in the church, the church pays for the couple’s wedding night to stay at the Hilton...this is where I am staying. Clement just goes the extra mile, he has a visitors pack that every visitor gets when they come to the church. I am going to bring one home with me to give us some ideas.

It is 10pm and I have just arrived back at the room after the youth night, there was approximately about 70 young folk there but they were predominately in the upper teens which was around 18 and 19. I preached on Developing the Human Spirit and then prayed for people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. There was quite a number that responded to be filled, there was at least 8 definites but others were embarrassed to step out. There was 6 people that responded to be saved as it was a great night.

I’m going to do some reading now and then try to get some sleep, it will be a big day tomorrow.

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