Day 3 South London

Date: Sat 13 Aug

I went with some of the guys in their car with all the gear for the show. When we arrived at the place where we parked the cars there are approximately 30 black guys and one white guy carrying an axe, sledge hammers a weight and pieces of steel through the streets of CROYDON making our way to the mall. As I am looking at us walking with this stuff I am thinking this does not look good, next thing I know people are pointing at us saying I think these guys are looters. Then they get on their phones to call guess who.

So we have walked through the mall and arrived at where we are going to do the show, next thing we know there are 3 police cars and one paddy wagon (in total 10 police officers) that has pulled up to ask us what we are doing. I said that I had come from Australia and that I was doing a series of strongman shows, praise God we had some flyers with us. They then proceeded to take all the stuff saying there was no way that they could allow us to do the show because each thing could be used as a weapon. Once the heat of the moment had died down and they could see that we were not there to start anything they relaxed, some of them said that they might have come to the show if they had not been working.

They took Tee back to the church van and allowed him to put the gear in the van. I wasn’t able to get any photos as I didn’t want them to think that this was some kind of stunt that we were pulling. Their resources are stretched fairly thin and I apologised that we had dragged them away from what must already be a busy schedule. Who said serving Jesus is boring.

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