Dili East Timor

Saturday 30th April 11.
The pastor here, Steven Kennaway and his wife Michele and family are doing a great job here in Dili. The people here are steeped in Catholicism and there is a great need. The local language is Tetun and not many speak English. These is are some of the challenges faced here.
Eskola China - The hall were we are holding the Show and Revival
This is my first time to visit East Timor and joining me are 6 other people from the Darwin assembly. After 2 days of outreach and handing out flyers we were expecting a large turn out for the Strongman Show.  God did not disappoint and there were about 350 who came out. 99 people made decisions to receive Jesus into their life.

Many stayed around after the show had finished and so I decided to pray for the sick. Many came forward for prayer and were healed. I am believing for more people to come to the revival meetings which start tomorrow.

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