Wednesday Last Night of Revival

There were about 250 out tonight.The biggest attendance for the revival, excluding the Strongman Show on Saturday night. There were over 80 new decisions for Christ and again many people were faithful to keep coming out to the revival. Our chief photographer in the team, Shaana, had to go back to Darwin today and she was sorely missed.
Our day started with handing out the remaining few hundred flyers which was done in about an hour. We had a coffee and cool drink, then drove to Tasi Tolu where there is a gigantic statue of the pope on the top of a large hill and overlooks the city. The statue faces another statue at the other end of the city and it is a statue of Jesus. It looks like the Pope is waving to Jesus!!! But the view was great.
Tasi Tolu

The Team minus Shaana

Decisions for Jesus

Tortoise $5 each

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