Dili East Timor Day 3 Evening Service

Young Lady Anna Healed from Blindness

Another exciting service tonight. About 175 out again.
What it is encouraging is that the people who
come from the previous night are coming back.
Hands Raised for Salvation
Tonight we prayed again for a young lady who came
out last night. She was blind in her
Altar for Salvation
right eye and God began to heal her; not only her eye but also from the bondage of fear. She came out again and was noticeable happier in her countenance and she testified that her sight through out the day had improved. We prayed again for her tonight and she began to see out of this eye for the first time. She was over joyed.

Again many others were healed of various sicknesses.Many hands went up for salvation. Some had prayed the night before, but tonight there were a lot of new faces.

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