Dili East Timor Day 3 Outreach at Markets

Monday - today we ventured out to the market area to hand out more flyers. The stall owners sell their fresh fruit and veges, meat (no part of the cow is spared!) and hand made goods. There were hundreds of people there so it didnt take long to get our flyers out. It also gave us a good opportunity to see what life is like on a daily basis for these people. There were many young boys working here, some walking around with fruit or hand made baskets, scarves and all sorts of things. Many children playing and following us as we walked through the area. Rarely did anyone refuse to take a flyer. The people were very respectful and eager to take a flyer.
I prayed for a guy with a blind eye and a crippled boy. Unfortunately no instant miracles, but I am believing to see this happen.

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