
 Dear Ps Neil Prosser and the Darwin Saints,

I would like to thank you on behalf of the Jakarta Church for your recent investment with regards to covering the cost of the airfares for our revival with Ev Mark Woods.
Mark was well received by the Church and did an outstanding job both with the 'Strongman' shows and in our revival meetings. 
After some lengthy negotiations, we were able to get him in one of the largest malls in Indonesia and saw over 300 people attend the show. Due of the sensitivity of preaching the gospel in a muslim nation, our strategy was to tease them with theshow and invite them to see the 'full show' in our building.

We saw many visitors attend during the course of the 'StrongMan' shows and throughout the revival. There was also many noteable miracles, including a woman being healed of constant migraines and a gentleman healed from back pain to name a few, but I would have to say the highlight was when we took the 'StrongMan' show into a local high school.

We saw close to 100 students respond at the altar after Mark did his show. There was an amazing presence of God at the altar and many students wept as the openly confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The principal and the teachers were stunned at the response of the students and the Principal at the school was so taken back by the experience, she pleaded with us to have Mark Return.

We have been working with many of those students and have already seen a number of them come to our Church.
On a personal note, Mark was a real blessing to us. My family and I found Mark to be very encouraging and it was great to hang out and fellowship with him.

We truly appreciate your generosity and are looking forward to having Mark minister again.

God bless,
Chris Razmovski

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