Dili East Timor Sunday Services

Sunday Services and the rest of the revival services are being held at the Escola China - a chinese school hall. There were about 174 people out for the morning service and about 75 people responded for salvation. Many people who got saved at the show the night before came back and most of their regular poeple came out. Two notable miracles were 2 blind women whose sight was partially restored. We are believing that by Wednesday as they continue to come that their sight will be totally restored. God also powerfully touched a young girl who was bound by witchcraft. An elderly man who had pain in his back was totally healed and was jumping and leaping with joy. Many others who were in pain in various places in their bodies were totally healed.
In the evening service 80 people came out and all responded for salvation. This number grew as about 30 people came an hour after the service had started. Again just about the whole crowd came forward for prayer. People who came for prayer in the morning returned to the evening service. There were many healings: pain in all part of their bodies, broken limbs, blindness, deafness, depression, fear, cancer. Of note was a man, deaf in one ear, who was totally healed.

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