Tao Yuan City Taiwan

World's 2nd Tallest Building
Revival with Pastor Chris Banducci and his family has been fantastic. Chris is an inspiration and I have really enjoyed preaching here and meeting his wonderful family and congregation
Views from 450 ft Buiding

 Here are some photos of my escapades today. Chris and one of his disciples, Peter, took me up to the world's second tallest building. It is 101 stories and 450m high.
After this we went to a night market and snake for tea and snake liver drink (what a nice experience!)

Snake Liver Drink......ssssssss
Snake mmm
Contraband on Sale
Dried Squid

Taiwan Baggage Update

Praise God I got my bags. They arrived (still no explanation) tonight after the meeting. I am very relieved to have all my gear before the show tomorrow afternoon.

Taiwan Day 1

Wednesday: Arrived in Singapore, collected my bags and stayed overnight at the Transit Hotel. It was good not to have to go through Customs.

Early the next morning I checked in my bags and flew out to Taipei. Arrived around midday but no bags...not a single one. I had my axe and the steel and 2 pieces of luggage. Good old Jetstar! I am glad that I have a spare day before I preach.

  Friday: Still no bags and no explanation as to their whereabouts or
what has happened to them. The hotel is doing their best to track them down for me.
Preaching tonight, so have to wear my jeans and buy some shaving gear!
I am praying that they come in time for the Strongman Show which is on Saturday afternoon.

Pastor Chris Banducci is the pastor of one of the churches here in
He has taken me around to see the rice paddies and we have
seen a few things around town.
As you can see the sky has a bit of smog around and the buildings are dirty because of it.

We went to prayer this morning.

We doubled on Chris' scooter.

This is the inside of the building
 It is 2 stories high and they teach English classes here.

A lot of the people have come
from these English classes


 Dear Ps Neil Prosser and the Darwin Saints,

I would like to thank you on behalf of the Jakarta Church for your recent investment with regards to covering the cost of the airfares for our revival with Ev Mark Woods.
Mark was well received by the Church and did an outstanding job both with the 'Strongman' shows and in our revival meetings. 
After some lengthy negotiations, we were able to get him in one of the largest malls in Indonesia and saw over 300 people attend the show. Due of the sensitivity of preaching the gospel in a muslim nation, our strategy was to tease them with theshow and invite them to see the 'full show' in our building.

We saw many visitors attend during the course of the 'StrongMan' shows and throughout the revival. There was also many noteable miracles, including a woman being healed of constant migraines and a gentleman healed from back pain to name a few, but I would have to say the highlight was when we took the 'StrongMan' show into a local high school.

We saw close to 100 students respond at the altar after Mark did his show. There was an amazing presence of God at the altar and many students wept as the openly confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The principal and the teachers were stunned at the response of the students and the Principal at the school was so taken back by the experience, she pleaded with us to have Mark Return.

We have been working with many of those students and have already seen a number of them come to our Church.
On a personal note, Mark was a real blessing to us. My family and I found Mark to be very encouraging and it was great to hang out and fellowship with him.

We truly appreciate your generosity and are looking forward to having Mark minister again.

God bless,
Chris Razmovski

Wednesday Last Night of Revival

There were about 250 out tonight.The biggest attendance for the revival, excluding the Strongman Show on Saturday night. There were over 80 new decisions for Christ and again many people were faithful to keep coming out to the revival. Our chief photographer in the team, Shaana, had to go back to Darwin today and she was sorely missed.
Our day started with handing out the remaining few hundred flyers which was done in about an hour. We had a coffee and cool drink, then drove to Tasi Tolu where there is a gigantic statue of the pope on the top of a large hill and overlooks the city. The statue faces another statue at the other end of the city and it is a statue of Jesus. It looks like the Pope is waving to Jesus!!! But the view was great.
Tasi Tolu

The Team minus Shaana

Decisions for Jesus

Tortoise $5 each

Day 4 Lunch at Fernanda's Place

Lunch at Fernanda's
Vinnie cooking Fish at Fernanda's
After our hard work handing out flyers at the market place and around town, we were treated to a wonderful Portugeuse traditional home made lunch at Fernanda's place.
Fernanda's Front Yard
Vinnie cooked fresh fish and Fernanda and Vinnie's cousin cooked up vegetable dishes, chicken and special rice cooked in coconut palm packets

Chinese shop Owner Healed on Streets
Pigs in the City Centre!

Dili East Timor Day 3 Evening Service

Young Lady Anna Healed from Blindness

Another exciting service tonight. About 175 out again.
What it is encouraging is that the people who
come from the previous night are coming back.
Hands Raised for Salvation
Tonight we prayed again for a young lady who came
out last night. She was blind in her
Altar for Salvation
right eye and God began to heal her; not only her eye but also from the bondage of fear. She came out again and was noticeable happier in her countenance and she testified that her sight through out the day had improved. We prayed again for her tonight and she began to see out of this eye for the first time. She was over joyed.

Again many others were healed of various sicknesses.Many hands went up for salvation. Some had prayed the night before, but tonight there were a lot of new faces.

Dili East Timor Day 3 Outreach at Markets

Monday - today we ventured out to the market area to hand out more flyers. The stall owners sell their fresh fruit and veges, meat (no part of the cow is spared!) and hand made goods. There were hundreds of people there so it didnt take long to get our flyers out. It also gave us a good opportunity to see what life is like on a daily basis for these people. There were many young boys working here, some walking around with fruit or hand made baskets, scarves and all sorts of things. Many children playing and following us as we walked through the area. Rarely did anyone refuse to take a flyer. The people were very respectful and eager to take a flyer.
I prayed for a guy with a blind eye and a crippled boy. Unfortunately no instant miracles, but I am believing to see this happen.

Dili East Timor Sunday Services

Sunday Services and the rest of the revival services are being held at the Escola China - a chinese school hall. There were about 174 people out for the morning service and about 75 people responded for salvation. Many people who got saved at the show the night before came back and most of their regular poeple came out. Two notable miracles were 2 blind women whose sight was partially restored. We are believing that by Wednesday as they continue to come that their sight will be totally restored. God also powerfully touched a young girl who was bound by witchcraft. An elderly man who had pain in his back was totally healed and was jumping and leaping with joy. Many others who were in pain in various places in their bodies were totally healed.
In the evening service 80 people came out and all responded for salvation. This number grew as about 30 people came an hour after the service had started. Again just about the whole crowd came forward for prayer. People who came for prayer in the morning returned to the evening service. There were many healings: pain in all part of their bodies, broken limbs, blindness, deafness, depression, fear, cancer. Of note was a man, deaf in one ear, who was totally healed.

Dili East Timor

Saturday 30th April 11.
The pastor here, Steven Kennaway and his wife Michele and family are doing a great job here in Dili. The people here are steeped in Catholicism and there is a great need. The local language is Tetun and not many speak English. These is are some of the challenges faced here.
Eskola China - The hall were we are holding the Show and Revival
This is my first time to visit East Timor and joining me are 6 other people from the Darwin assembly. After 2 days of outreach and handing out flyers we were expecting a large turn out for the Strongman Show.  God did not disappoint and there were about 350 who came out. 99 people made decisions to receive Jesus into their life.

Many stayed around after the show had finished and so I decided to pray for the sick. Many came forward for prayer and were healed. I am believing for more people to come to the revival meetings which start tomorrow.